Help Roses stay red,
Help Violets stay blue,
We’re planting for pollinators,
And you can too!
This Valentine’s Day we shared our love for our clients in the form of a seed grenade. A curious demonstration of love we know, but we hope it’s enough for you to support nature in your back garden or balcony.
Prosperity 24/7 were delighted to be selected to work closely with Durrell to implement systems that would connect their international teams in remote locations, securely capture, store and share critical data and enable quick and efficient monitoring and reporting. But Durrell’s local work is just as important as its international work and we want you to think the same way about your garden by recording the species living in the pollinator patch which your seed grenade will grow into this summer.
Once your seedbom is blooming, register your pollinator friendly area with the Jersey Biodiversity Centre, record what you find and mark your contribution to saving local species from extinction.
In the meantime, find out more about the sustainable ecosystem of technology we delivered for Durrell.