Last week, we did two things for our colleagues at Prosperity, firstly, we held a phenomenal session facilitated by Shona McFarlane to discuss Wellbeing and Resilience across our entire team, secondly we held our annual Strategy day which looked at the achievements of 2019 and our journey ahead…
This process opened the eyes of our colleagues to a happier and healthier 2019, we highlighted to each and every person present that they have permission to take the time required to be the best that they can be. Now this might sound like a bold statement, but this self-awareness underpinned the second day of focus – our annual Prosperity strategy day. This year, we were able to hold this at our new training suite, courtesy of another year of phenomenal growth.
Our strategy day is an opportunity for our colleagues to reflect upon what they have achieved together, for our clients and for our broader community. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved once more as a team – whether it is delivering significant client projects, by helping our colleagues to thrive or by raising in excess of £70,000 for local charities with Prosperity Day whilst having a lot of fun as a team.
Two main themes however, were pervasive throughout both days, purpose and the circle of control.
Now I might be sharing too much here but if I can help others to prosper, then it is the least that I can do.
Our purpose is not our strapline – Great Minds, Always. That is what our clients have kindly advised us that we provide to them!
Our purpose is our fundamental reason for ‘being’. Our purpose unifies our leadership, colleagues & clients and it binds us with our community at Prosperity – it gives me the reason why I love coming to work.
“If we look after our community, our clients and our colleagues… We will prosper.”
Now whilst this might sound simple, you have to back up your purpose with action and our colleagues had this evidenced regarding our broader achievements throughout Friday, ensuring that they really understand how essential each and everyone of them is in relation to our companies continued prosperity and thus the prosperity of not only our clients but also the wider community in which we live.
I emphasise the word – Prosperity – because it is also critical that everyone in the team understands the true meaning, I like to summarise it as:
“Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune or successful social status. Prosperity encompasses, wealth, happiness, health & security”.
Surely these attributes, especially happiness, health and security are a paramount achievement for anyone in life?
Circle of Control
Whilst our strategy day covers much regarding the business, we also look at the current economic outlook. Blue Monday you say? Well, the broader environment, whether you are looking at Brexit across the water, the debt of China, Italy’s budget etc. All influence the World at large but do we, as individuals have the power to influence these major issues? For us in Jersey, the answer is a resounding ‘No!’
We can however have a very positive effect on the aspects that we can control:
“Our mental wellbeing, our health, our diet, our sleep patterns, what we read, what we learn, how we behave and interact with our friends and family, to be present (rather than immersed in a device!), to be kind, to embrace change, to forgive and to appreciate what we have in our lives today”.
If we want to change the world, we must look at ourselves, we all have a duty of care to strive to be the best that we can be – it is all we can ask for and realistically, in our own lives, it is the only thing we can truly influence and take responsibility for.
Of course, if lots of people behave impeccably for the greater good of the planet then together we can achieve great things. But in the first instance take a breath, take a look at yourself, make a plan for what you can achieve in 30 days or the year ahead then strive to be the best that you can be. This approach will help you to achieve your own path to prosperity in your life time and make you a far happier person I promise – good luck!
If you are curious regarding just one of our many achievements from 2018, our team effort is reflected in our sustainable growth, diversity achievements and retention of excellent colleagues: