Archie Kwidzinski has joined Prosperity 24.7 on a 10 week placement as part of the Highlands University College Jersey Work-based learning program.
“I chose Prosperity 24.7 because, straight away, I liked the two team members that I met during the recruitment stage of my placement. After meeting them I did more research on the company and found out what it is Prosperity do, which got me interested in their business and their team.
I have been craving for a well-organized company to work with, Prosperity more than piqued my interest, but have also made me want to join their ranks as soon as possible. Upon the second interview we were talking like good friends already, we discussed a few of the things that I’d be doing while on the placement such as visiting clients, talking with each department and getting to know how the industry worked. Their experience within the business made me think that, compared to working on a service desk, this is going to provide me with so much more experience compared to what some of the other companies were offering me. This along with my interests and learning being very relevant to Prosperity’s activities made me choose Prosperity”.
At the end of Archie’s first day Jake Foster, CTO at Prosperity 24.7, shared the following update to his co-Directors “It’s great to see the level of enthusiasm and the natural hunger for learning that Archie has come into the business with, he is basically a sponge and wants to learn everything – today!”.
Jake continued regarding why we offered Archie a placement opportunity, “We are giving Archie the opportunity to see how a real world business works, not only in the office, but also at the ‘coal face’. Archie has already been out to see several clients in his first week, to experience first-hand how we engage with their team to make a positive impact to their business. Over the 10 weeks, we hope to give Archie a great experience across all aspects of the Technical Solutions that we deliver and support across Prosperity 24.7. This is not just from the technology side, but also the commercial and business aspects that our roles encompass – we hope he returns to Highlands UCJ even more enthusiastic about the Industry than when he arrived – and he was pretty passionate already!”
Chris Clark, CEO at Prosperity 24.7 outlined why the team are so keen to see Highlands and the work placement scheme succeed.
“We have been fortunate to see the passion and vision that the Highlands UCJ leadership team have to enhance not only their students’ lives but the broader economy of the Island through the delivery of a first class learning experience. Prosperity 24.7 will support Highlands in any way we can as many of our colleagues, myself included, have benefitted from spending time at Highlands on Higher Education courses to ensure that the team are the best that we can be”.
Chris continued, “Seeing Archie and his enthusiasm for learning is really inspiring for all our team members. You forget the energy a student placement can bring into an established team and it is great that he is immersing himself fully in every challenge, whether technical or on the softer side around customer service and confidence – he is a great student and we feel fortunate that Archie chose Prosperity for his placement”.