On Tuesday 5th April, Prosperity 24.7 are bringing innovation in Healthcare, Social Housing and Facilities Management to Jersey. We are bringing our partners 365 Agile and Microsoft to run sessions entitled “Changing the rules of the Game” which will introduce the Internet of Things – IoT – to Jersey and Guernsey.
The sessions on Tuesday 5th April are presently being proposed to meet two different yet critical areas of Social need:
- Assisted Living – Changing the rules of the game
- Will be a breakfast briefing between 8am – 10am focussed session for Healthcare and Assisted Living
- Tickets available HERE
- Facilities and Asset Management – Changing the rules of the game
- Will be a 12pm – 2pm focussed session for Social Housing and reducing the cost of Facilities Management
- Tickets available HERE
Below we have outlined why we think it is essential that you attend…
Assisted Living – Changing the rules of the game
Come and join Prosperity 24.7 and their partners 365 Agile at the Pomme D’Or on Tuesday 5th April to understand how true innovation is greatly improving Social Housing and Healthcare not only for service providers but also those receiving services across our community.
Learn how the innovative and pragmatic use of ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) devices, can greatly assist all of the following areas:
- Assisted Living Solutions across the Community
- Smart Asset Management in Social Housing and Hospitals
- Energy Monitoring Solutions
- Security Solutions
- Property Care & Proactive Maintenance Solutions
Why are Prosperity 24.7 holding these events?
Although we are of a smaller scale to the UK we face significant social issues:
- We are an Island facing an ageing demographic ‘time bomb’
- The need for assisted living to reduce the burden on the hospital has never been greater as Islanders’ live longer
- The Island needs ‘true’ austerity to reduce the projected fiscal deficit.
Who should attend?
- Politicians & Civil Servants responsible for policy and reform across Health & Social Services
- Social Housing providers
- The 3rd Sector Forum
- Facilities Management / Building contractors
- Private Healthcare providers looking at care in the community / Social welfare / wearable monitoring to improve Islanders welfare
Why is this so relevant today?
In ‘Assisted Living’ 365 Agile have achieved phenomenal results across the UK. Learn how they have transformed a UK Assisted Living provider facing a 40% budget cut with significant issues regarding resident welfare into a UK Government showcase, banking savings in excess of £1m within 9 months (post 40% budget cut).
Our assisted living solutions provide complete care for vulnerable or elderly people and their properties. The solution allows residents to feel comfortable in their own home, whilst knowing assistance is readily available. Agile 365 and Prosperity 24.7’s platform, combined with smart sensors, works silently in the background to monitor their safety and security.
The data that is captured can trigger other sensors to respond to changes in environmental conditions such as switching lights on. Our secure two-way radio communication protocol can stream data up to 1km from the hub and uses ultra-low power meaning battery life is extended.
Understand why Microsoft are working with Prosperity 24.7 and 365 Agile to bring innovation to the Islands, helping residents in the home across various Social sectors.
Listen to Prosperity 24.7 outline ‘The art of the possible’ profiling residential behaviour to proactively monitor and assist residents in need of sheltered / assisted care or more urgent action when they suffer a fall and need help for example.
In Social Housing, a recent UK Industry survey of the potential for smart ‘IoT’ solutions, outlined the following:
- Smart sensors and controls could deliver around £760 million per year in savings to the Social Housing sector across the UK.
- Of these benefits, at least £200m should flow directly to the landlords in the form of lower maintenance and repair costs.
- The most significant benefits (around £500m per year) flow to tenants in fuel bill savings and efficient, healthier living, reducing consumption of utility and welfare services thus reducing the cost to Government.
- IoT has the capability to deliver huge operational benefits to businesses across all sectors by allowing smart devices to connect to the internet to report faults, provide readings, provide updates and send alerts, whether these alerts relate to the property or the resident themselves.
We genuinely believe we have an opportunity to make a difference to Islanders. Please feel free to alert your colleagues to this important event to ensure that they ‘save the date’ – Event Brite details will follow shortly.