Prosperity Day is coming

Prosperity Day, Charity, Prosperity, 2015, Jersey, Guernsey

Vent your fury – Prosperity Day – 24.7.2015

On July 24th 2015, there are going to be two unique ways to raise money for charity, have a huge amount of fun whilst enabling corporates to vent their fury by settling a score in public, in safety and all for a brilliant cause – Prosperity Day.

Choose your event

Prosperity Day

Who wins?

Well, there are two sorts of winners over the course of the day. Firstly, our chosen pan Island Charities – we are aiming to raise £24,700 over the course of the day which will be split equally:

Charity Logos Prosperity Day

Secondly, we hope to make it a truly memorable event which will go from strength to strength in the Island’s Community Calendar. Check out for a lot more information and how to register your interest (and win!)