What does a Socially Dynamic Organisation look like and why is it vitally important today?
These are the questions that Julian Stodd, learning and change guru of our times, will unveil in Jersey on 21st April at the Pomme D’or Hotel. Prosperity 24.7 is delighted to welcome Julian back to the island to deliver another thought provoking session on Organisational change and the Socially Dynamic Organisation.
Julian will open discussion around his latest work on the Socially Dynamic Organisation and the framework that can support change from a constrained to a dynamic organisation. This lunchtime session will take an overview of the Dynamic Change Framework and an understanding of how organisations change and how we can help them do so effectively.
Date: Friday 21st April, 12:00 – 14:00
Place: Pomme D’Or – Golden Apple Suite
Cost: £35 to include light lunch buffet, refreshments and a copy of Julian’s latest book “The Social Leadership Handbook”.
If you have not already secured a space, to purchase a ticket please click here . This event is limited to 100 people, purchase today to avoid disappointment.
· Explore the three manifestations of change that we frequently encounter in organisations
· Understand how resistant, constrained and dynamic organisations function
· Discuss the Dynamic Change Framework and how we can co-create change
· Explore how the Socially Dynamic Organisation is agile and effective
This is the second time Julian has presented in Jersey. Brought over by Prosperity 24.7 in 2015, Mr Stodd spoke to sell out audiences in both Jersey and Guernsey. The local company are thrilled to bring him to the Island again.
Geraldine Evans, Chief Learning Officer at Prosperity 24.7, says: ‘We are very excited to bring Julian back to the Island. The last event sold out so we are hoping to reach out to even more businesses on this occasion. At Prosperity 24.7 we have noticed an influx in clients coming to us requiring assistance for change programmes and this topic will certainly support these businesses to understand their position on the change curve and what they need to do to help make these change programmes successful.