Cyber Security – Industry briefing

Prosperity24.7 Cyber Security talk to Industry

This morning, Chris Clark, the Managing Director of Prosperity 24.7 joined a panel of speakers organised by Heritage Insurance to discuss the threats the Islands face regarding Cyber Security.

Chris elaborated regarding the very real threat that Companies have to consider in light of the recent notification from Jersey Finance. He outlined the wider challenges Industry has in light of competing budgetary demands and the need to consider the balancing act of embracing the reward of innovation versus the risk of expansion upon unprepared, end of life infrastructure. Finally, Chris outlined for the benefit of the audience, some real world examples of local incidents of differing scale and impact, rounding off with recommendations of ‘who to call’ if you want to be pro-active.

Below is a copy of the slides in case you were unable to attend the session and would like to know what was discussed:

Prosperity 24.7 Cyber Security presentation

For further information, contact or +44 (0) 1534 877247.